简介:It's the end of the week and Bernt picks up his girlfriend Marianne at work. This film tells the story about Bernt and Marianne's relationship through one day. They go to an auction, and visit friends, and talks in their apartment.
简介:记录了从2002年~2004年期间,联合国维和部门在应对刚果共和国的内战危机的整个过程,开始部分以美国总统布什在联合国的一段演讲开始(是9/11之后,美国寻求联合国支持的演讲),“Will the UN address the purpose of its founding, or will it be irrelevant”(译:联合国是否会实现自己成立的初衷,还是置身事外呢?),暗示了联合国的维和任务责任重大。刚果内战5年,各个武装派系为争夺黄金和钻石等矿藏而争斗,屠杀村庄里的妇女/儿童也司空见惯。