简介:When Michael Jackson was acquitted of child molestation, instead of returning to his Neverland home, he disappeared, wandering the globe for two years. Writer Jacques Peretti wanted to find out why, and get to the truth of what really drove Michael Jackso
简介:本音乐短片改编自史蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的原创故事,导演是特效大师斯坦·温斯顿(Stan Winston)。故事开头,胖镇长(迈克尔·杰克逊 Michael Jackson 饰)带着一群家长和孩子来到镇上的一座古堡中,目的是为了赶走古堡的怪主人(迈克尔·杰 克逊 Michael Jackson 饰)。面对镇长的咄咄相逼,古堡主人提议谁先让对方害怕谁就离开,于是古堡主人带领一群鬼怪开始了奇异的恐怖的表演。表演过程由《Too bad》《Is it scary》《Ghosts》三首歌曲串联而成,最
简介:此片在imdb有10个vote, 都是10分, 应该也是奇片了吧...Abi Wright is leading the search for her friend, Sam Jackson, last seen in August 2003. A month after Sam's disappearance, Abi made a vital breakthrough, stumbling across a VHS containing part of a video diary. Sam