简介:During the unique world tour of the RCO celebrating its jubilee in 2013 we meet musicians and concertgoers. The tour develops not just into a journey across the globe but also as a trip to the core of classical music, a quest for the palette of emotions w
主演:克劳迪奥·乔治恩 安东尼奥·纳塔利 Antonio Bicchi Stefano Boeri Massimo Cacciari Gigetta Dalli Regoli Maria Teresa Fiorio Maurizio Longoni Gianvito Martino Cosimo Marzo Paolo Mazzarello Climaco Monti Claudio Salsi
简介:文艺复兴巨匠莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)逝世500周年之际,弗朗切斯科·因菲尼奇(Francesco Invernizzi)执导的这部纪录片从达·芬奇浩如烟海的手稿着手,通过AI技术开展数字化分析,同时采访了来自世界各地的艺术家、史学家、工程师和前沿科技公司,用最先进的研究成果,再次带人们领略达·芬奇为人类科学与艺术带来的巨大贡献与启迪。《蒙娜丽莎》《最后的晚餐》《岩间圣母》……很多人通过达·芬奇非凡的绘画成就而认识他,爱因斯坦则断言他是“人类历史上绝无仅有的全才”,其研究范
简介:送葬者(Undertaker),WWF/WWE毋庸置疑的传奇选手,同时也是众多优秀摔角手的噩梦。他从棺木中走来,以活死人的面貌展现世人面前,屡挫屡起,仿佛永远不会倒下。其绝招轮喉锁(Choke Slam)与插墓碑(Tombstone)令所有对手闻风丧胆。当然,送葬者最骄人的莫过于历年Wrestlemania上的连胜纪录,无论是阿根廷巨人,还是重达500磅的Big Show;也无论是号称“万王之王”的Triple H,还是传奇摔角手Ric Flair,他们都在送葬者强悍的攻势下永久长眠(Rest in P
简介:This European Film Award winner documentary tells the story of Recsk, Hungary's mos t notorious political prison camp, which operated between 1950 and 1953. During the early 1950's the very existence of this camp for political prisoners at Recsk