简介:Incognito follows the journey of seven individuals, who are said to each face personal challenges on the road to redemption. The series delves into their struggles as they come together to face a common enemy, engaging in high-stakes missions that will te
简介:Артем – вертолетчик, он обожает свою работу и мастерски управляет крылатой машиной. Его невеста Яна мечтает о красивой жизни, ей хочется в Москву, но переехать они смогут, если Тёма пройдет получит сертификат пилота авиалайнера. Парень с любимой не соглас
简介:Known for his edgy and surreal visual storytelling, Greek experienced filmmaker Angelos Frantzis has directed five feature films. Keeping the elements of contemporary fantasy that characterize his work, Frantzis delivers "Still River", his most
简介:尼姑庵新来的小尼姑帕桑,在深夜听了一个鬼故事以后,经历了月经初潮。她保守着这个秘密, 直到在一次诵经中血流了出来。她坚信她是被下了咒,于是她需要一只黑山羊作为牺牲,要不然将来就会有大祸临头。Pasang, a new girl at a nunnery, has he r first period after hearing a late-night ghost story. She keeps it secret until she bleeds at a prayer session. She be