简介:Cita conspires with her stepson to murder her husband, only to face a cruel twist of fate, while Mara, a struggling student caring for a dying patriarch, is caught in the chaos when his estranged son returns.
简介:For Erzählungen eines Kinogehers, filmmaker Christiane Büchner works extensive interviews with the late Werner Dütsch, a commissioning editor at the German television station WDR, and massively influential figure in postwar West German film culture, into
简介:In Euclidean Man, Marshall McLuhan’s monotone voice unlocks a world in which man moves through the electronic age and where technological advances provide a new step in human evolution. This cyber collage of sound and image fragments hypnotises the viewer
主演:Sebastian Damian Maria Ibarra Peña Andres Agreshot Ilber Oñate
简介:In a deserted land, Chelina and Caviche face a difficult decision when in fear of a violent father they decide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. To fund the abortion, they become gasoline smugglers and embark on a challenging journey.
简介:XR Interactive online platform with immersive VR film, sound, and archival components. ‘Tales of a Nomadic City’ is an immersive, multi-platform project chronicling the city of Nouakchot
简介:Rebel, outlaw, porn pioneer: Director Howard Ziehm made Mona the Virgin Nymph, the first explicit feature film to receive US theatrical distribution in 1970 – at a time when pornography was still illegal. Later, he made the cult science fiction sex parody
简介:Emi es una alegre niña de ocho años que es muy unida a sus abuelos, en especial a su abuela con quien suele crear bellas pinturas. Un día mientras pintaban un nuevo cuadro se dan cuenta que es la hora de Emi para ir a la escuela, por lo que lo dejan incon