简介:痴情的男人迈克尔(迈克尔·福斯 Michael Fuith 饰)从维也纳来到柏林,只为寻找与之分手的女友加比·哈瑞斯(安娜·格拉泽克 Anna Graczyk 饰)。他来到加比的公寓,然而房间内空空如也,空气中甚至弥漫着一丝不祥的气息。突然,似乎整个世界陷入了疯狂,许多人被一种神秘病毒所感染,继而摇身变作丧失人性、嗜血如命的恐怖丧尸。他们四处围捕正常人,柏林处于瘫痪状态,人人自危。迈克尔与一个年轻的水管修理工学徒哈伯被困在公寓中,他们不仅要提防丧尸的侵扰,还要想方设法逃出这片绝地。即使在这个令人绝望的时
简介:This film criticizes the monstrous capitalism as showing the ‘inferno’ that a family man has to experience to earn a living for his family. The cold and dark winter emphasizes the die-hard like struggle of this miserable man. The photography is marvelous
简介:When 10-year old Olivia's Mom goes on a business trip for the weekend, she leaves Olivia home alone with her 17-year-old brother Miles in charge. The first night, Olivia falls asleep on the couch, and wakes up, not realizing how late it is. She walks
主演:Marko Mandic Slobodan Custic Barbara Cerar Maja Martina Merljak Jaka Lah Janez Hocevar
简介:The burglars Sergej and Polde steal a valuable painting Landscape No.2. By coincidence Sergej also takes a mysterious document dating back to the end of the World War II. Instructor is ordered to recover the stolen painting and the document, which trigger
简介:本片导演以一种难能可贵的幽默之情戏剧化的重现了当年南斯拉夫分崩离析的最初原因和经过, 以夸张的人物造型和超现实的镜头角度极尽挖苦讽刺调侃之能事, 将当年政客的丑陋虚伪, 军人的蛮横冷血刻画得相当戏谑, 让人们在笑声中又感觉到一丝辛酸和苦涩. 实属难得的东欧黑色喜剧佳作. A MUST-SEE!Although being one of the first movies to take humoristic approach towards violent break-up of Yugoslavia,