主演:Serena Grandi Fabio Sartor Francesca Topi Andreina Tomada Antonella Giacomini Cecilia Cerocchi Emma Gugliotta Emanuela Taschini
简介:Angelina is tired of long serious relationships. One day she is brutally raped and she changes dramatically. Suddenly she is getting involved in more and more dangerous relations with unknown men until her behavior leads to a fatal crime.
主演:Peter Vives Cristina Brondo Jordi Vilches Sergi Cervera Carmina Barrios Iris Lezcano Boris Ruiz Peyu Carles Sanjaime Pep Cortés
简介:Monica has abandoned Dani because he has lost a gift of great economic and sentimental value. Dani thinks that recovering the object will help him to recover Monica, and in the attempt will get into a thousand problems.
简介:是阿根廷男导演RodrigoVazquez(罗地哥?范斯盖兹)执导的纪录片,企图寻找当年切·格瓦拉留下的「革命之火」。切格瓦拉为了推动南美洲的革命,死在玻利维亚,40年後 Evo Morales(莫拉雷斯)成为该国第一位原住民血统的民选总统,莫拉雷斯矢言完成切的革命梦想,他可以做得到吗?除了莫拉雷斯,导演也跟拍原为工会领袖的女议员,她在官僚体系和理想中挣扎,希望带给住在贫民窟的人们一丝希望。导演Rodrigo Vazquez来自阿根廷,花数年跟拍莫拉雷斯、他的跟随者、富有的地主、以及赤贫阶层的人们,