主演:Simson Bubbel Valerie Cuenod Sofia Exss Chris Friedling Saskia Geißler Frank Goldhammer Thomas Ney Friederike Serr
简介:3 young people buy a haunted house in eastern Germany. Suddenly one after another get killed and they try to find out about the mystery behind the ghost doing it's dreadful state of affairs.
简介:Les chroniques extraordinaires d’un homme ordinaire. Dans la vie, au début on naît, à la fin on meurt, pendant ce temps là, il se passe des trucs. Bref, c'est la vie d'un mec pendant ce temps là.Célibataire tous les matins mais pas forcément to
简介:Deutschland verfügt über eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Landschaften. Sei es die märchenhafte Flusslandschaft des Spreewalds, das friesische Wattenmeer mit seinen Vogelschwärmen, den Schwarzwald oder die Berchtesgadener Alpen mit ihren mächtigen Bergen.
简介:Workaholic hotel architect effectively drifted apart from his family. He interrupts the latest, Moroocan project to spend a holiday with his wife Liane in Lisbon, but is delayed. Friendly local interior decorator João, a widower, enjoys hosting her. learn
简介:This documentary is about memory, the memory of a woman that has fought tirelessly against historical amnesia and for the justice of the crimes of state in Argentina.