简介:A teenage boy investigates lucid dreaming, he discovers frightening things happening in his home and to his mother, that turn out not to be actual dreams at all.
简介:Alberto是一个浪漫的少年,正濒临绝望,因为他爱上的女人们没有一个取得成功.他的兄弟罗伯托刚好相反:由于它的吸引力征服所有的城市女孩在是没有任何问题.Alberto曾经是失败者,但是当他的运气是改变的时候,她爱上疯狂地María.他的兄弟愿意帮助他,但实际上他们的意图是一样的。Alberto,un romántico adolescente,se encuentra al borde de la desesperación,ya que no tiene éxito con las mujeres.
主演:Carolina Gómez Luis Eduardo Arango Catalina Aristizábal
简介:Because of his boss Mallarino, Nicolas has lost his girlfriend Margarita, and his job. One year later, after deciding on getting revenge, he tries to black mail Mallarino with photos of him and his lover. Things get complicated when Mallarino, instead of
简介:Film didáctico que apunta al sentido higienista de alertar sobre los peligros de la mosca que jaquea la vida humana de la época, a través de un estudio entomológico de la vida y obra de las moscas con una nítida microfotografía del insecto, ampliando cada
简介:Since I don't have anough space to talk about tin tan. At least I would like to recomend all his 1940's and early 50's movies. Most of the time you'll find him corny at the beginning, but once you understand him you'll end up cryi