简介:Less than 55 years ago, Dubai International Airport was a vast desert of sand. But today, it is a modern mecca of international air travel. With 344,000 flights, 57 million passengers and 2 million tons of cargo flying in and out each year, it is the worl
简介:Amazon.co.uk ReviewAh-Ha! In 1995 Norwich's most famous son Alan Partridge made the transition from radio to TV with Knowing Me, Knowing You, a chat-show so wholly misunderstood that one clever-clog TV critic described it as "moribund". By
主演:Ted Kirner Nasser Goins Erica Johnson Melyssa Nocar Adam Wood Leah Lucas Cody Minshew Rodney Craft Kelly Marquardt Ryan Norys Steffinie Phrommany Laura Paul Lauren Harris
主演:Wolfgang Beltracchi Helene Beltracchi Henrik Hanstein
简介:2014年「德国奥斯卡」萝拉奖日前(28日)公布入围名单,其中以入围最佳纪录电影奖项的《苏富比伪画大师》(Beltracchi: The Art of Forgery)最受瞩目。不仅因为该片本月初才在德国上映、获得不俗评价,片中男主角沃夫冈贝特莱奇(Wolfgang Beltracchi)目前正在监狱服刑,使电影更充满了话题。这部刚入围记录电影奖的《苏富比伪画大师》,内容描述举世无双的伪画高手贝特莱奇的传奇故事。贝特莱奇不仅画技高超,他的伪画甚至能以假乱真,瞒过各方专家、并在苏富比与佳士得拍卖会上得以高
简介:A cynical TV exec looks at the perfect town inside a Christmas globe and is magically transported to it. When she wakes up in a perfect snow-covered town, married to a local woodsman, she discovers it's not all just a fantasy.
主演:Linden Ashby Suzy Amis Stacy Haiduk Ron Silver Robert Davi
简介:A man and woman detective team investigate the murder of a corporate president, but because the deceased was a friend of the male detective, he is reluctant to believe the signs that point to the widow as the killer. Still, the team take turns watching he