简介:Based on the 13th Century Borneo sacrificial rituals, “Curse of the Totem” tells the story of Dr. Sani who goes in search of his wife, who disappeared on a genealogy expedition to study the ancient mythical legend of Jerunei ‘Burial Poles of the indigenou
简介:When a couple facing divorce take their kids to help them renovate a historic hotel, their marriage is given a new lease on love when their kids discover letters left decades earlier by a young couple who never met. Saving their parents marriage in time f
简介:在1563年特伦托会议(Council of Trent)的最后一次会议上,梵蒂冈神学家们坚决支持使用神圣图像和圣像,以对抗宗教改革对偶像崇拜的指控,这导致欧洲对美术的投资激增,包括首次囊括了女性艺术家。索福尼斯巴·安圭索拉(Sofonisba Anguissola)是第一位职业女性宫廷画家,她创作了大量描绘欧洲最杰出的贵族和政要的作品。但在她的整个职业生涯中,她一次又一次地回到最让她着迷的主题:她自己。《反宗教改革》是一部非传统的论文式纪录片,它厘清了政治、宗教、历史和自画像的线索,引导电影人审视她个人
简介:费尔南多·佐贝尔(Fernando Zóbel, 1924-1984)总是随身携带笔记本、铅笔、钢笔、画笔和水彩,留下了一百四十多本速写本,如今保存在胡安·马奇基金会(Fundación Juan March)。其中许多迄今才刚面世。这是一次与普拉多博物馆(Nacional del Prado)的特别合作,由La Máquina de Luz制作。
简介:A young man with a comfortable lifestyle has lost control of his life - drugs and video games are his daily routine. After another series of wrong choices, he finds himself on a reality-shattering journey into his subconscious.