简介:The third in a series of short films about the perception of children's media. In this one, the yellow puppet encounters a butterfly who tells him about the joys of love. But his views may not be to the yellow puppets understanding or liking.
简介:In this 4th installment, the puppets encounter a crazed computer named Colin, who uses singing and dancing to teach the puppets about technology and the Internet, although things soon turn too digital.
简介:Two of the original puppets return in this 5th installment, where a can, a steak, a refrigerator, and a loaf of bread attempt to teach them about health as it applies to food, but faulty teachings causes one of the puppets to lose all faith and attempts t
简介:Denis Leary and a cast of many others celebrate Christmas Leary-style. Packed with original music and skits, this is a great spin on the usual holiday fluff.
简介:During World War I, two American Doughboys, Tommy Turner and Gilbert Simpson, are more interested in picking up girls than in military duty. In Paris, they go AWOL in order to follow their libertine pursuits. They alternate between impersonating officers
主演:迈克尔·尤瑞 Jeremy Beazlie Jay Gillespie Elizabeth Kapplow Michael Linstroth
简介:2001年9月10日,SOHO一族摄影师爱瑞克(迈克尔·尤瑞 Michael Uriel 饰)在《村声》杂志上刊登了一则广告,欲出租自己在纽约市的一套公寓,该公寓距离世贸只有12个街区,通过窗口能看到世贸双塔。谁能想到一夕之间外面世界就发生了巨变。9月12日开始,陆陆续续有人留言希望看房,然而看的又何止是房间?恐怖袭击令每个人的心灵都遭受到了难以言表的创伤,而习惯独处的爱瑞克也迷失了方向,人生不知不觉来到了岔路口。