简介:Painter and engraver from Tilcara, Jujuy province, Medardo Pantoja is considered one of the most representative painters of northwestern Argentina. He received academic training in Buenos Aires and served as a professor at the University of Tucumán. Some
简介:Jorge Preloran (1933-2009) was one of South America's most respected and prolific ethnographic filmmakers and was considered a pioneer in ethnobiography. Among his most admired films are "Imaginero" (1969), about a religious icon carver, an
简介:用真实的镜头记录下阿根廷西北部偏远小山村里一群儿童每日的学习和生活,村里唯一的小学破旧不堪,但却无法妨碍孩子们用画笔描绘出身边的事,影片一如后来的伊朗儿童片一样朴实自然,在1968年那个特殊而激进的年代里,很难想象还有一位如此平静的纪录片导演将视角放在那些纯真的儿童生活上。In the heart of the Humahuaca Canyon in Northwestern Argentina, there is a place once known only to its inhabitants.
简介:Casabindo is a small village situated at 3900 meters, 148 kilometers from Humahuaca, in Jujuy province, Argentina. Founded by the Spanish colonizers in 1535, was the first and an important Spanish settlement in Argentina
简介:This three-part documentary on Indian peasant life in the Catamarca region of Argentina is an emotionally moving examination of the generational cycle of poverty in underdeveloped countries
简介:The Ona People: Life and Death in Tierra del Fuego, docmentary, l6 mm, l hour. Co-direction: Ana Montés de Gonzalez : camera man Jorge Prelorán, collaboration Oscar Gamaro. The seven Selk'nam and mestizos who participated in the film have all "p
简介:La vida y los trabajos de Hermógenes Cayo, santero de la Puna argentina, en Cochinoca, Jujuy, a quien se llamó el "Leonardo de la Puna" por las múltiples facetas de su talento y sensibilidad. Un artista indígena que dedicó su arte a la expresión