主演:Antonio Albella Javier Arroyo Antonio Esquinas Luis Flor María Garralón Cristina Goyanes Fedra Lorente Estefanía Martínez Antonio Meléndez Peso Zack Molina
简介:Palestine. Century I. The people of Israel remains under Roman rule. A small group of men began to preach the next coming of the Kingdom. Its leader, Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth breathes hope into hearts, their message is of love and hope, but not all were ab
简介:When a killer creates a website giving the coordinates for where he's buried the bodies of his victims, it entices a group of college students in checking it out - and becoming his next victims.
简介:迪士尼新一部动画短片曝光:《超能陆战队》动画总监ZachParrish执导和编剧的《Us Again》。该片也公布剧照,美丽的夜晚。讲述一个老年男子Art和他有一颗年轻的心的妻子Dot的故事,他们在一个魔法般的晚上,通过舞蹈找回了自己一生的热情。这部时长约6分钟的短片没有台词,将通过舞蹈和funk和soul味道的配乐来讲述故事。片中舞步是与曾亮相《World of Dance》的知名夫妻舞者Keone和Mari Madrid合作,他们曾有一段热门舞蹈的设计是扮演一对老人。Parrish告诉《娱乐周刊