简介:曾演出《殺人回憶》、《八月照相館》Jeon Mi Sun在新片《Love is a crazy thing》中飾演故事主人翁Au Jin。居住在Busan的她是一名寂寞的少婦,丈夫只花很少時間去照顧他倆的兒女。Au Jin為了消磨時間,便開始兼職的工作,在一個電話服務中心上班。一天,她接了一個陌生男子的電話,自此,她每天最開心的事便是這位男子的來電。經慫恿之下,Au Jin更開始到酒巴工作,因此而遇上了Min Su ……
主演:劳尔·波瓦 Raoul Bova Giovanni Martorana Mario Pupella
简介:Giuseppe and Youssef are two fishermen bond by sincere friendship. Giuseppe is an Italian, while Youssef is an Arab, working on the same boat, the two colleagues share everything, included the same first name: Joseph (Giuseppe in Italian, Youssef in Arabi
简介:Episode one: The Happy child : The fourth child of a poor couple, whom live in Halabiabad , is born. In the maternity they tell them that if the child does not have good nutrition he wou
简介:http://forum.docwiki.org/ 独家供稿BEGIN Japanology是日本NHK World TV面向海外观众播放的英语系列节目,始播于2009年,每周一期,每期30分钟,主要介绍日本文化和风土人情等。对喜欢日本的人来说,该节目信息量丰富,是了解日本的窗口。对不喜欢日本的人来说,此节目极度无聊,节奏缓慢,内容空洞。官方介绍:BEGIN Japanology invites you into the world of Japanese culture, both traditi