简介:El día que Emilio proyectó su primer documental para sus amigos, escuchó el viento golpear su ventana. Convencido de que era una señal para perseguir su ambición cinematográfica, decidió realizar este documental donde entrevista a los miembros de su famil
简介:Alberto是一个浪漫的少年,正濒临绝望,因为他爱上的女人们没有一个取得成功.他的兄弟罗伯托刚好相反:由于它的吸引力征服所有的城市女孩在是没有任何问题.Alberto曾经是失败者,但是当他的运气是改变的时候,她爱上疯狂地María.他的兄弟愿意帮助他,但实际上他们的意图是一样的。Alberto,un romántico adolescente,se encuentra al borde de la desesperación,ya que no tiene éxito con las mujeres.
简介:Mercedes (Marga Lopez) dances for money with the clients of Salon Mexico, a famous cabaret in Mexico City. Her younger sister Beatriz (Derbez) studies in an expensive private school, paid by Mercedes. Obviously, young Beatriz doesn't know about her s
简介:It seems that the US version differs from the European one. Anyhow we are talking about a great movie. Inspector Henry Silva is accused of having killed a police informer and is kicked out of the Department. He will have to do all by himself to discover t
简介:The president of Mexico has his country and people at heart, and he is looking for solutions. He knew that education is the key to making his country a better place, that's why he targeted the educators and gave them special assignments. This is wher
主演:Pedro Armendáriz Ariadna Welter Víctor Junco Carlos López Moctezuma Amanda del Llano Jaime Fernández Luis Aceves Castañeda
简介:A peasant who works in a mahogany camp in the Mexican jungles with his family is disgusted with the miserable living conditions imposed upon himself and his co-workers, the peasant finally spearheads a revolt against the sadistic bosses