简介:In 2022, the Spring Wind Project chronicled the "Spring Wind Pilgrimage." Now, in 2024, as they face the challenges posed by the Yoon Sukyeol administration's policies, the filmmakers embark on a new collective endeavor. Once again, they connect
简介:In Our Heads About Our Hair examines issues Black women confront regarding hair and self-esteem. Despite a current natural-hair trend in some urban areas, many Black women say conforming to mainstream beauty standards makes it easier to find mates and cor
简介:2006年夏天,印古什民族歌舞团与当地的民间艺术家们合作,在Dzheyrahskogo山上露天表演了一场大型音乐剧《山的旋律》,以纯自然环境为背景展现印古什的传统音乐和舞蹈,以及他们独特的民族文化特征,导演马米洛夫与摄影师尼格鲁卡合作将演出记录下来,这部45分钟的民族志影片超出了所有印古什观众的期待,片中对加尔盖人崇尚自然、能歌善舞,还有传统服饰、婚礼、庆典等都一一展现,尤其是高加索的自然美景和几首女声独唱的民歌让人印象很深。无对白,以音乐和影像为主。Music and ethnographic