简介:With great humour, love and insinuations, Mabel Lozano tells us in first person of her journey with a pea-sized lump in her left boob. But this isn't only Mabel's story, it's also that of millions of women.
简介:A judicial thriller that takes us into a fascinating visual universe where Sabogal, lawyer and human rights defender, investigates several crimes against humanity in modern Colombia. With the country in crisis, the protagonist is in constant danger and fi
简介:第78届奥斯卡外语片单元墨西哥参赛片。Selected by the Mexican Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as the Official Entry for Mexico in the 78th Annual Academy Awards in the Foreign Language Film category. The movie was awarded the prize of the Jury at the 4. Lateina
简介:Una historia basada en hechos reales, un conflicto que surge entre dos pandillas por el robo de una gorra. Se desencadena una sangrienta guerra que desemboca en el famoso hecho de los "piernas cruzadas", un hecho en el que las mujeres de
简介:再过数周就要结婚的25岁非洲裔美国男孩Tate Bradley,在他生日的前一天,企图自杀。受尽煎熬后,他活了下来,但从他的举动中,明显可以看出“有某种东西在杀死他”。问题是:那东西是什么?Tate试图把自己关在公寓里以远离世界。让他诧异的是,在他坎坷生命中的重要角色,一个接一个的前来探望他。随着这些来访者的到来,逐步的揭示出每个家庭成员、朋友和敌人在Tate的自杀中起到的作用——迫使Tate开始面对自己的心魔。这部好评如潮的独立电影获得了2008年 5个电影节(Arizona Black Film S