简介:The journey of Alain Prost, four-time Formula 1 world champion and winner of 51 races, undoubtedly the greatest and best French racing driver in the history of F1. Le parcours d'Alain Pr
简介:Incomprise par les Français, la dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale annoncée par le président Emmanuel Macron le 9 juin 2024 a débouché sur une situation sans précédent avec un pays stupéfait et un parlement sans majorité. Dans l'histoire de la Ve Républ
简介:When a child steals candles from the cemetery, in order to provide some light means for his family sheltered into a damp basement of a block of flats, this circumstance can say a lot about the sufferance imposed by transition period of time in Romania. Th
简介:Rodolfo, a man who enjoys reading obituaries, reads his own epitaph. As he tries to fix the mistake, he ends up fulfilling the fatal destiny foretold in the newspaper.
简介:在1563年特伦托会议(Council of Trent)的最后一次会议上,梵蒂冈神学家们坚决支持使用神圣图像和圣像,以对抗宗教改革对偶像崇拜的指控,这导致欧洲对美术的投资激增,包括首次囊括了女性艺术家。索福尼斯巴·安圭索拉(Sofonisba Anguissola)是第一位职业女性宫廷画家,她创作了大量描绘欧洲最杰出的贵族和政要的作品。但在她的整个职业生涯中,她一次又一次地回到最让她着迷的主题:她自己。《反宗教改革》是一部非传统的论文式纪录片,它厘清了政治、宗教、历史和自画像的线索,引导电影人审视她个人
简介:Locked up in a room that has an awning window, a Bird teaches a Little Bird how to fly, even if he has no wings. The appearance of a mysterious briefcase will ruin his plans, and reveal
简介:IDFA DocLab Competition for Digital Storytelling In this video installation, which can also be experienced in a fulldome version premiering at IDFA, French-Vietnamese photographer and vi