简介:Clocks is an animated short film which offers an impression of the (working)-life of the 37-year-old composer and pianist Elena Kats-Chernin. An abstract introduction leads us into the halls, where the Multimediale Karlsruhe took place in November 1993. E
简介:You can’t help but adore stop-mo animator Kirsten Lepore’s surreal figures, they somehow manage to convey fun and tragedy, happiness and vulnerability at the same time. In this adventure a large number of animated creations are having a party at the top o
主演:Sidse Babett Knudsen Peter Frödin Jesper Asholt Nanna Marqvorsen Jon Lange Maj-Britt Mathiesen
简介:Anna left her favourite doll, Sophie, at her family's holiday home, and Anna's parents won't drive all the way to the house to retrieve the doll. Just as Anna is wondering if Sophie feels lonely, she suddenly hears a strange sound.