主演:Hugh Quarshie Jaye Jacobs Sharon D. Clarke Rakie Ayola Tom Chambers Nadine Lewington Amanda Mealing Tina Hobley Robert Powell Paul Bradley Luke Roberts Rosie Marcel Patricia Potter Phoebe Thomas
简介:The everyday lives, professional and personal, of the doctors, nurses and patients who find themselves, for various reasons, in the wards of the frenetic cardiac unit of Holby City General Hospital.
简介:Three filmmakers embark on a paranormal challenge by barricading themselves in a house so haunted, no one has been able to live in for more than 21 days.
简介:继2011年凭此夺得第二座托尼奖杯后,百老汇明星萨顿·福斯特2021年重返经典音乐剧《万事皆可》,明星卡司阵容还包括三度奥利弗奖和托尼奖得主罗伯特·林赛、西区传奇人物加里·威尔莫特。该剧拍摄于伦敦巴比肯艺术中心演出现场,场场爆满。《万事皆可》讲述了一个俗气又欢脱的爱情故事:在一艘远洋的航船上,穷小子比利爱上了富家女,希望可以略施小计帮她解除商业联姻、自己抱得美人归,没想到阴差阳错间促成了更多欢喜冤家。这部音乐剧的词曲由科尔·波特(Cole Porter)一手包办,I Get a Kick Out of