简介:2013年日内瓦国际动画电影节(International Animated Film Festival in Geneva (Animatou))入围作品导演的话大家好,我是《The Two Lives of Nate Hill》的导演Jeanne Joseph。这部影片展现了内特·希尔(Nate Hill)的两种人生。通过大屏幕,你能通过影片发现小小的差异就会使内特·希尔的人生大为不同。电影直面人生的挑战,用几分钟的动画探讨人生的选择和控制。这个话题虽然很严肃艰深,也颇费人心思,但是我采用了幽默
简介:Sarno made this credible, and incredibly erotic film in early 1969 Sweden. There is very little nudity in the film, though Sarno has said that the one print known to exist, currently released on DVD as a "bonus feature" in the United States, is
主演:Sasha Graham Alexandra Paulhiac Eraldo Maglara 乔·扎索 Liz Haverty Joseph Marzano Carl Marchese Rick Poli Kevin Ratigan Ruby Honeycat
简介:Two charming sexy beauties - Silvia and rosemary live in the same house. They lead the same life... a life full of madness, leading to the bloody crimes!
简介:A beautiful schizophrenic woman is pushed over the edge by her husband's illicit affairs, and when her hallucinations become reality the Devil comes to take his due. Is Miriam insane or has the Devil come to collect on her promise?