- 1992 / 香港
- 主演:冯淬帆 吴君如 午马 楼南光
- 简介:小林是位热心社工,一天,为救其三位当事人:阿JOE,林世才,灵幻大师.引致撞车,而魂魄飞出车外,让恶鬼得以进入他之身体.三人幸能逃过难关,各自回林之寓所.竖晨,三人得悉林住院,急往探望.林出院回家后,把三人赶走,还欲强奸JOE.大师怀疑林中邪,便施法见到林魂企图与鬼搏斗,大师同样用车祸望能将鬼魂撞出,反被恶鬼弄致躯体重伤,后用尽方法终将恶鬼赶走,却又发现林与JOE之魂魄在混乱中调换……
- 2008 / 中国台湾
- 主演:未知
- 简介:A girl who waits for her man to write back encounters a mailman who hides the fact that her letter has been returned. The two lonely souls keep in distance with their respective lies which desire of reaching out and growing affection already lurk in....