简介:CHAIN MAIL Sayaka's friends get their kicks sending out hoax emails in the name of one of their classmates who committed suicide. Though Sakaya feels quilty about not standing up to the hoax, things start to go terribly awry when her classmates begin
简介:1996年的OVA版(4话)When crime and terrorism go out of control in Tokyo, the police unleash Team Warrior - a band of highly-skilled and completely reckless band of female cops. Featuring loose cannon Rio, triggerhappy Maya and ace hacker Lilica, Team Warrior w
简介:北欧布兰村的水手,由哈魯巴魯船长带领出航。哈魯巴魯船长的儿子小威,聪明过人,常常运用智慧帮助水手们渡过难关。小威只要摸摸鼻子,就能想出怪点子。《北海小英雄》(Vicky The Viking,日语:小さなバイキングビッケ,德语:Wickie und die starken Männer,又译为七海小英雄(香港)),是一部日本与德国合作的电视卡通,于1974年时首播。作品全长78集,但1至52集由瑞鹰株式会社制作,53至78集则由日本动画公司制作。本卡通是改编自瑞典作家努勒·强森(Runer Jonsso