简介:Three young adults, obsessed with the horrors of the modern world, find themselves trapped in the depths of a sprawling underground subway that progressively transforms into a giant, nightmarish organic mass eager to swallow them up.
简介:Fragments of stories and memories judged by the main person involved. An accusation, then a defense, a trial without crime: a self-portrait by others.
简介:The film centers on young Mariah, a little girl who dreams of getting a dog for Christmas year after year. This Christmas her dream is fueled after seeing a puppy named Princess at the local pet store. To see if she's ready for the responsibility, Ma
简介:好好先生安德雷(Dirk van Dijck 饰)深夜仍滞留办公室,正在网上和一位爱好探戈舞的女子聊天。为了在两周后成功完成约会,他必须尽快学会探戈舞,于是便请教同事弗朗斯(Koen van Impe 饰),一个光头古板的单身绅士教他舞蹈。弗朗斯起初并不同意,但架不住安德雷的死缠烂打,于是同意下班后教授安德雷。私人函授班进行得似乎还算顺利,两周后,信心满满的安德雷走入舞池,和他心中的天使共舞一曲。不过,似乎他的心中还藏着一个秘密……本片获2008年奥斯卡电影节最佳短片奖提名。
简介:Un jeune garcon, sorti pour aller aux provisions, est pris pour un emeutier dans une embuscade avec la troupe. On se prepare a le fusiller au moment ou sa mere, venue inquiete a sa rencontre, l'apercoit et fait rempart de son corps: l'officier,