简介:Runtime: 180 min /200 min 故事梗概:小女孩安布尔在参加完儿童选美大赛后,离奇失踪,帕斯卡尔和丈夫费雷德里克十分着急迅速报了警。女警长罗尔卡接手这个案子,引起许多人的质疑,小镇上的人们不相信一个女人能起多大的作用。况且罗尔卡本人的生活也不太乐观,自从在一次车祸中丈夫不幸变为植物人之后,她和儿子的关系就一直不好。儿子托尼坚持认为是因为罗尔卡驾车不慎,父亲才遭此横祸。还好有女佣安妮的照顾,罗卡尔才放心不少。生活不如意,工作也困难重重,这不,上司又调来一个黑人警探祖威尔接替她的工作。
简介:When political thugs murder an opponent's volunteer and also kill a cop, chief inspector Verjeat believes the politician who hired them is as guilty as the murderous goon. Verjeat's pursuit of the councilman, Lardatte, gets him a warning from hi
简介:With Sami Frey, and the two shining female leads (Nathalie Baye and Laura Morante), this movie tells the tale of two lovers spending time in Rome when, suddenly, in a restaurant, the man believes he recognizes the voice of a woman he once loved... remembr