主演:Eliza Bichmann Sarah Agor Nicole Brooks Jeffrey Colt Tracy Cooley
简介:Are you addicted to love? Through personal stories of love addicts and the people around them this documentary explores the nature of love addiction. It will seek to understand what happens when "love" takes over your life. If you are addicted t
简介:高齡86歲的維格先生一直以來有個夢想,他希望能將年輕時在丹麥鄉間買下的這座古堡,改建成正統俄羅斯東正教修道院。為達成理想,他遠赴俄羅斯向教會提出申請,於是由修女領隊的考察團來到丹麥,對維格先生的古堡進行評估調查,並協助他展開緩慢的翻修整建。究竟維格先生能否在告別人世前完成這畢生心願呢?導演在貼近卻自持的鏡頭裡,細微地捕捉遲暮老人單純認真,卻又執著堅韌的生命態度,讓影片散發著質樸的光芒。This is a story about the 82-year-old bachelor Mr. Vig, who