简介:"Omaggio a Roma" is a 21-min documentary film directed by Franco Zeffirelli, initially released on October 16, 2009, made in collaboration with the municipality of Rome and the Italian Ministry for Tourism. It was presented at the Rome Film Fest
简介:Story : Five girlfriends tired of their going no where dead end jobs, hang out at the home of one of their father's for a weekend of sexual mischief.En vacances, cinq jolies jeunes femmes se retrouvent dans une maison de campagne et se préparent pou
简介:In the first episode, Quirino tries to conquer Gabriella, lover of Alvaro, with the complexity of shyness. In the second part, Prof. Beozi, in order to avoid a scandal, ends up in a raid of the police in a local for homosexuals. In the third part, Gugliel
简介:A journey from the Swiss mountains to China.Aging farmer Adrien is a quiet man from a mountain village in the Swiss Alps. He convinces his friends to accompany him on a train ride to Beijing by way of the Trans-Siberian Express. At the last minute, they