简介:Six sorority girls escape to the desolate countryside for a weekend getaway. There, they will stay at the ancestral home of their token geek legacy pledge, Dawn... But, unbeknownst to them, an evil force from World War II is waiting for them. Dawn's
简介:身材姣好的年轻女性莎拉·沃克(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)目前正在某个快餐店打工,她始终怀有演员的梦想,但是多次试镜均告失败,令她心中满是失落与挫败感。某天,她漫不经心地向《悦耳的尖叫声》剧组提交了试镜申请,不曾想她的申请竟然通过了,这令莎拉喜出望外。最初的试镜不甚理想,可是莎拉在卫生间歇斯底里的发泄得到对方的赏识。在此之后,她被要求重新试镜,并顺利拿到第二次试镜的机会。这个女子兴奋非常,纵使通往成功的道路有着各种磨难和潜规则,她几经考虑过后毅然选择接受。当她跨越了那条线后,却发现自己的身
简介:Driven to make the world better for his baby girl, John Ennis pieces together the cycle of pay-to-play politics that rules America. When insiders control the game, how can an outsider have a voice? Through first-time candidates in Ohio, following the mone