简介:A young immigrant actress, dressed as a costumed bear, faces a surreal odyssey in Berlin’s Soviet-era outskirts, where a chaotic birthday party blends humor, tragedy, and the echoes of a home she can’t forget.
简介:While walking, the main character hears his mother's voice from the forest through headphones and decides to follow it, but after a strange experience, an unexpected discovery awaits him.
主演:Vladimir Seguin 阿丽斯·德·朗克桑 诺埃米·施米特 Aurore Déon Manuel Severi
简介:In a single unbroken shot, Roaring 20's gives viewers the chance not only to travel to Paris, but to live a day in the life there during the COVID-19 pandemic.
简介:When Jenny Cross has to spend summer vacation with her deadbeat dad in his creepy commune, she thinks clean living and boredom will kill her. But some fates are worse than death.
简介:亚娜(芭芭拉·舒尔茨 Barbara Schulz 饰)是一个单纯而又天真的少女,对爱情有着许多美好的幻想与憧憬。一次偶然中,亚娜邂逅了名为于连(鲍里斯·泰拉尔 Boris Terral 饰)的男子,英俊帅气的于连很快就吸引了亚娜的注意,最终,他们走到了一起,携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。新婚之夜,亚娜震惊的发现,原来于连只觊觎自己年轻的身体,对她的精神世界和人格魅力毫无兴趣,更糟的是,于连先前的绅士与儒雅都只是伪装,实际上,他是一个非常刻薄和贪婪的男人。亚娜关于家庭和爱情的美梦破碎了。罗莎莉(玛丽·德纳尔诺