主演:Brian Salzberg Donna Dempsey Stephen Charles Barry James Gandia
简介:God disembowels himself with a straight razor. The spirit-like Mother Earth emerges, venturing into a bleak, barren landscape. Twitching and cowering, the Son Of Earth is set upon by faceless cannibals.《Begotten》是一部黑白無聲電影,全片幾乎沒有一句對白,默海吉大膽地解構聖經故事,以充滿魅惑
简介:This show follows the day to day experiences for the staff of the family run Poway Bernardo Mortuary in Poway, California, a San Diego suburb. The show takes a behind the scenes look inside the embalming and preparation room as well as how the staff deals
简介:With tongue planted firmly in cheek, our story follows the exploits of a bumbling investigative journalist as he struggles to discover the truth behind enigmatic horror author H.P. Lovecraft and his mysterious past. Along the way strange and macabre tales
简介:巴蒂(福里斯特·惠特克 Forest Whitaker饰)和艾尔(杰夫·高布伦 Jeff Goldblum饰)是两个热爱爵士乐的好朋友,他们每天晚上出没于各式各样的夜总会演奏爵士乐,日子过得平平淡淡,波澜不惊但却充实而快乐。人生的喜怒哀乐、起起伏伏似乎离他们很遥远。本打算沉浸于爵士乐的海洋里平淡流年的他们,却在不经意间被一个突如其来的消息所打乱——巴蒂被确证患有恶性脑部肿瘤。巴蒂被告知还剩下三个月的存活时间,一时间他对生活失去了信心,一度的自暴自弃,他是那样孤独、无助。作为好朋友的艾尔得知消息后,全身心