简介:A young mother disappears on the slopes of the sacred Ślęża mountain, leaving behind a pushchair with her baby. A police officer, a young husband and a retired clairvoyant try to reconstruct the last moments before she vanished. A female police officer wi
主演:Danny Blind Cristian Chivu Bobby Haarms Robin Pronk Hans Westerhof Richard Witschge
简介:《阿贾克斯 听啊 天使高声唱》(基督教新生王歌)是一部九十分钟的纪录片,讲述的是荷兰著名的足球俱乐部——阿贾克斯。在激动人心的1999到2000赛季,导演Roel van Dalen带着摄影师马克·贝克以及录音师基斯·德·格鲁特三人一起,在阿姆斯特丹拍摄了这部为俱乐部百年庆典献礼的纪录片。拍摄剧组参加了俱乐部重要的董事会会议,跟随第一梯队进行日常工作,并来到俱乐部设在加纳的一个足球培训基地,考察见识了这里的一些青年队伍。镜头不仅带人们见识了电视里看得到的大量足球场景,还让大家看到了的绿茵场幕后许多不
主演:Slawomir Grzymkowski Natalia Sztabinska Igor Sztabinski
简介:本片讲述了一位父亲带着两个孩子在末日后的世界努力求生的故 事。然而,一个“来自外部”的神秘信号唯独被青春期的女儿看 到了。它成为了他们探索新世界的契机和动力。The Last Tale About Earth is a story of a father and two of his children, who try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. A mysteri- ous signal ‘from the outside’, seen only b
简介:2056 - Company soldier Hannah and scientists Gavin and Dimitri are on board of RUBIKON space station researching an algae project aimed to provide humanity with a permanent supply of oxygen and food. But all of a sudden the earth beneath them disappears i