简介:Paul Harrington thinks he has the perfect wife, stunning, kind, and ambitious. Yet behind Lauren's pretty face (played by Madchen Amick) lies a wicked person who sent her former boyfriend to jail by setting him up. Reno Adams has lost seven years of
简介:Heartwarming stories from the largest animal rescue center for orangutans in the world where the caring staff do their best to help the young apes adjust, come of age and eventually return to the jungle.
简介:Eyes on the Prize 是 PBS 一系列关于美国民权运动的纪录片,直到现在都是民权运动重要的教材由于纪录片中包含各式各样的新闻片段、照片、歌曲和歌词,在著作权法的规范下,纪录片的使用受到了各种复杂而多样的限制1995 年,制片公司 Blackside 所取得的授权年限截止,并因财力问题无力负担 renew 授权的费用,自此这些记录片便无法再向公众播送或发行先前针对这个情况,一位重要的民权运动者 Lawrence Guyot 对华盛顿邮报表示,这就像是阻止大家流通有关马丁路德金恩、麦尔坎