主演:Bill Christopher-Myers George Hall Emanuele Secci 凯瑟琳·朵拉·布朗 Alice Liu 凯莉·拉瑟福德 黛比·摩根
简介:Set in the fictional town of Corinth, the early years of the show revolved around the blue-collar Donovans and the blue-blood Aldens. Major social issues such as incest, alcoholism and post-traumatic stress syndrome of Vietnam vets were covered. But Marla
简介:全世界最棒的《1000个地方》(1000 Places to see before you die)是美国著名旅游作家派翠西亚.舒兹的畅销巨著,也是近年来最受美国权威媒体好评与推荐的旅行参考书。本书的价值在于:.名单的权威性与完整性:作者摆脱了夸大、宣传、人云亦云的迷障,从全球无数令人眼花撩乱的景点中,提出令人信服的一千个此生最值得造访、体验的地方。.体例的严谨与资讯的有效:为了让本书有用、好用,作者提出了清楚的结构、归纳了资讯、使这些资讯方便阅读与使用。.亲临现场、描述生动:本书所选出来的地点,作
简介:Van and Casey Neistat, two artists and filmmakers based in New York, began their careers in 2000, when the iMac DV first allowed consumers to edit video. Since then, a number of their projects - including ‘iPod's Dirty Secret,' which lampooned A
主演:Laura Davis Brandi Hart 克里斯蒂·谢克 Rebecca Switzer
简介:FX hot series of bikini global traveling program. BIKINI DESTINATION,真的是一张非常出色的写真集,里面的美女个个如尤物一般风情万种,风景美不胜收,掌镜的摄影师更是功力深厚,将美女和美景融为一体。 美女写真也看了不少了,《花花公子》挂历女郎系列一直保持不俗的水准