简介:An elderly American soldier arrives in Angola, where he has organised an audacious mission to spring his son, an imprisoned CIA agent, out of a heavily fortified stronghold.
简介:《十日谈Dekameron 40 czyli cudowne przytrafienie Pewnego nieboszczyka》(1971年)是一部连IMDB都没有收录的波兰电视短片。能把薄伽丘的《十日谈》改编成电视片足可见在Edward Gierek执政下波兰国内宽松的创作环境(你能想象国内有人把《金瓶梅》拍成电视剧吗?恐怕连“戒色版”都通不过剧本审查!)。虽然内容上比起帕索里尼的《十日谈》要温和许多,不过也多少让人大开眼界了!顺便提一下安杰伊-瓦依达担任本片的艺术监制。 (written by 明
简介:A touching comedy drama about 3 friends edging towards their mid thirties who, in an attempt to hang on to their carefree youth,embark on an attempt to write themselves into the history books by trying to host the world's longest house party.