简介:Imagine a sprawling city of 155,000 retired people, equipped with 54 golf courses, 70 swimming pools and its very own news organisation. The thousands of inhabitants of The Villages, in Florida, live isolated from the world in a bubble of leisure in which
简介:德国电视台WDR根据著名的中世纪骑士长篇小说《帕西法尔》(Parzival)改编的影片,改编大胆,造型和风格怪异。原著,作者Wolfram von Eschenbach,传说著于13世纪,讲述年轻人Parzival寻找圣杯的的历程,以及自我成长的过程,涉及中世纪圆桌骑士,亚瑟王等很多故事在内。瓦格纳也曾经改编此骑士小说为歌剧。
简介:An outraged reverend buys a public access station that specializes in what he considers pornographic broadcasting (shows include "Conspiracy Of The Week" and "Eat Me" all on Channel 69) ran by his daughter and her friends. The teens se
简介:Sex, Drugs & Democracy, a feature-length, documentary film, explores the limits of personal freedom. The film takes an uncensored look at the unconventional approach to morality and politics in Holland.a Jonathan Blank film"A seductive document
简介:are images of immortal bebop jazzman Dizzy Gillespie as he talks about his beginnings and music theories -- and blows a lot of hot music on his famous bent horn.