简介:Great Art, a five-part series produced by Seventh Art Productions explores the life and work of the world's most celebrated artists.This weekly series will offer an in-depth look at iconic artists including Canaletto, the Impressionists, Michelange
简介:Monet is perhaps the most famous painter of gardens, but there were many artists who were inspired by cultivated nature including Van Gogh, Bonnard, Pissarro and Matisse.
简介:“I envy the Japanese.”如果梵谷幾曾造夢,夢中的境地必定是日本,那個他從沒去過,卻影響著他畢生畫風的亞洲國度。梵高在前往法國南部阿爾勒的火車旅途中,一邊留意窗外的光景,一邊寫信給高更:「看看『是不是已經有點像日本了』很幼稚,對吧!」梵高充滿著遺憾的一生,亦幾曾充滿希冀地渴求著外國的風情,稚氣地試圖由身邊的日常光景找尋東方色彩。他收藏了數百幅日本版畫,臨摹過當中不少的作品,可惜他卻沒法等到自己作品流傳日本,得到東方世界賞識的一天⋯…導演這次走訪阿姆斯特丹的梵高藝術館、法國及日本揭開來
简介:Made in close collaboration with curators and researchers at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, this film marks not only a major re-presentation of the gallery’s collection but also the 125th anniversary of Van Gogh’s death. The Van Gogh Museum houses the la