简介:In this animated series, ridiculously good-looking superheroes Derek Zoolander and Hansel defend celebrities and regular people from the dark forces of the fashion world.
简介:本剧为动画喜剧。试播集播出于2007年。2008年9月28日开始正式的第一季,可能13集吧?Superjail是这个世界上最为庞大及残酷的监狱,它被建造了一座活火山上。这里每天都会发生骚乱与谋杀,却无人能够逃离这里。Superjail is an animated comedy series broadcast on Adult Swim, created by cartoonists Christy Karacas, Stephen Warbrick and Ben Gruber. The thre
简介:In this animated series, ridiculously good-looking superheroes Derek Zoolander and Hansel defend celebrities and regular people from the dark forces of the fashion world.