简介:Sinister industrialist Francis Turner, played by John Saxon, creates a cyborg known as Paco Queruak (Daniel Greene) who has been programmed to terminate the leader of an ecological faction that stands in the way of the dystopian country in which the story
简介:一个赏金猎人来到一个小镇,他被雇来寻找市长失踪的女儿。 A bounty hunter arrives in a mining town and is hired to track down the missing daughter of the town's crippled mayor and learns she has been kidnapped by the mayor's corrupt right-hand-man and a band of outlaws he is
简介:《鲛鮹岛/Isola degli uomini pesce, L'/The Island of the Fishmen》(1979),意大利导演Sergio Martino导演的这部融合了各种娱乐元素(尤其是Giallo film风格的配乐)的海岛冒险电影,绝对是一部极其优秀、精彩、被大多数人忽视了的杰作。此片据IMDB有三个版本:Sweden:93 min | USA:81 min | West Germany:85 min,现在已经发行了DVD-93分钟最长的那个完整版本。我不知道IMDB上
简介:In Perugia, a serial-killer is strangling college students. Inspector Martino is in charge of the investigation and has a black and red scarf as the only lead to be followed. He asks the scarf street vendor Gianni Tomasso if he recalls who might have boug