主演:丹妮拉·拉米雷斯 弗朗西斯科·丹尼斯 Samantha Castillo Claret Quea 胡安·卡洛斯·科隆博 Varek La Rosa Beto Benites
简介:In a small zoo, the arrival of the hippopotamus Zafari is celebrated by neighbours of opposing social classes. Ana, Edgar and their son Bruno watch all the action from the windows of their decadent high-class building. Amidst a chaos of food, water and el
主演:Laureano Olivares Greisy Mena William Cifuentes
简介:08奥斯卡最佳外语片委内瑞拉参赛片。影片跟着两个小孩一起回到了上个世纪60年代的委内瑞拉,通过他们,我们看到这场残酷的内战和战争中生存着的人们。http://www.postalesdeleningrado.com/In her introduction, director Mariana Rondón thanked the countries of Venezuela and Peru for funding her film, then commented on how POSTCARDS FR