简介:the story is based on a real-life scandal that actually shook Budapest in 1925. Butcher Ferenc Kodelka, the owner of the biggest slaughterhouse in town, falls head over heels in love with Mici, formerly a prostitute but now the wife of ex-police officer G
主演:Jack Fuchs Liza Zajak-Novera Robert Lamberg Benjamin Mehl Alejandro Horvath Mira Kniazniew-Stupnik Pedro Boschan Eugenia Unger David Galante Victor Oppel Moises Borowicz Valeria Wollstein-Cohn Kati Sabella László Kiss Judith Yagoda
简介:第二次大战,让全世界的人民遭受巨大创伤,其中遍布世界各地的犹太人对此更是感触颇深。德国纳粹针对犹太人进行了惨无人道的、灭种式的大屠杀,其中拥有“死亡工厂”之称的奥斯维辛集中营就有110万犹太人殉难。时至今日,战争的幽灵虽已远去,但是加诸在生还者身上的苦痛却从未减轻分毫,大屠杀成为人类心中永远无法摆脱的阵痛与阴影……本片由斯皮尔伯格及浩劫历史真相基金会(Shoah Visual History Foundation)赞助拍摄,由包括安杰伊·瓦伊达在内的5名导演各自执导5部纪录片,《住在那里的一些孩子们》、