简介:Young Humphrey is a ghost with a big problem. He and his family, the Craggyfords, have been ousted from their home and left without a place to haunt. As they search for new haunting grounds they soon discover that they are not alone. Ghosts from all over
简介:日理万机的商界女强人玛格列特(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)精明强干,性感而极富活力。然而正值不惑之年的她,也同样面对着理想与现实、事业与家庭带给她的困惑和彷徨。40岁生日那天,玛格列特收到了一个来自老家的包裹,里面竟然是她七岁时写给未来自己的信。“亲爱的我:今天,我7岁生日,特别写封信给你,提醒你要记住,7岁时说过的承诺和我对将来的梦想……”接下来的几天,玛格列特同样收到了这样的包裹。儿时那些不愉快的记忆,如潮水般汹涌而至。故事便从这些尘封着童年回忆的信件开始了。
简介:In the countryside of France, two groups of boys from the rural villages of Longeverne and Velran are in constant war against each other. Their war is a tradition that passes from father to son and without a motive but the www.xiyxi.com rivalry between th
简介:Au fin fond d'une Bretagne de légendes, le fantôme d'Aliénor de Canterville est condamné à hanter le château de sa famille et à en faire fuir tout nouvel habitant. Elle remplit cette mission à merveille, aidée de Gwilherm, son fidèle serviteur.