简介:1:...And All Through the House这个故事讲述一名在圣诞前夕谋杀了自己丈夫的女子正在处理尸体之际,曾在广播中报道过的一名有着强烈杀人倾向并乔装成圣诞老人的模样变态却逃窜到她家附近,而这时的她却无法报警....2:Reflection of Death一名男子为了私奔,不惜抛妻弃子,深夜与情人驾车逃离本来的居处,可是在路上却发生了令人异想不到的恐怖事件,这个故事十分精彩,后期的《小岛惊魂》,甚至是《死神来了》等很多恐怖片的灵感来源都可以在这个故事里得到充分体现3:Poeti
简介:Sherlock Holmes receives notice of the commission of the crime; murder of a rich businessman George Markham. The perpetrator is likely to be among his heirs. The game consists of two people: the niece of the deceased, Andrea, and her half-brother, Peter.
简介:Astronomers investigate a mysterious meteorite shower in a rural English farm field. The rocks which fell, landed in a V-formation. Dr. Richard Arden, preeminent in the field of extraterrestrial study, is not permitted to accompany his colleagues, includi
简介:Due to be crowned King of the Netherworld by his mentor Merlin the Magician (Sir Ringo Starr) at a monster's convention, Count Downe (Harry Nilsson), the son of Count Dracula, falls in love with the beautiful, but human, Amber (Suzanna Leigh) and fin