简介:A film director gathers his favorite actresses, those he worked with and those he loved. He wants to make a film about women but he doesn’t reveal much: he observes them, takes cue, until his imaginary throw them into another era, in a past where the nois
简介:65届威尼斯影展主竞赛-《完美的一天》(意大利)《完美的一天》(Un giorno perfetto)讲述了当代罗马九位主人公之间纷繁复杂的故事。该片根据意大利文坛女将梅拉尼亚·玛祖可(Melania Mazzucco)的同名小说改编,堪称是一副现代意大利的浮世绘:卡蜜拉正欢度七岁生日,他的哥哥阿利斯正在准备大学考试;芝洛在麦当劳引爆了他的第一枚炸弹;艾玛刚丢了工作,他的女儿瓦伦蒂诺正在和一个男孩约会;凯文丢了内裤;艾立欧在竞选造势活动上读错了讲稿,他的妻子怀孕了;玛雅找到她梦想中的房子;莎夏与爱人同庆