简介:An archduke who had been banished from Austria returns to Vienna for a reunion of his old fellow aristocrats and meets up with the former love of his life, who is now married to a psychoanalyst.
简介:一本记录了神秘信息的笔记本暴露在了公众的视线之中,笔记本中记载的是在现实世界中不可能发生的奇幻经历。为了找到真相,乔治教授(彼得·麦考利 Peter McCauley 饰)组建了一支由各行各业精英所组成的强悍探险队伍,深入笔记本中那片不存在于地图之中的遗失的世界,会有怎样惊险刺激的经历等待着他们呢?在茂盛的密林之中,科学家们很快就迷失在了错综复杂的小径之中,一边是团队内的矛盾不断升级,一边是神出鬼没的各类嗜血野兽和个性暴躁的原始部落野人,内忧外患之中,一位名叫维罗妮卡(詹妮佛·欧戴尔 Jennifer
简介:This production of 'Twelve Angry Men', written especially for Studio One, is shorter than the film version and leaves a few twists and turns of plot undeveloped, but it is fifty minutes of class nevertheless. For many years this episode was thou