简介:In the 1960s, Pearl Berman has just returned home from her husband Jack's funeral, her grief disrupted by her many relatives animatedly discussing which parkway offered the best route to the cemetery. Pearl's family tackles any and every subject
简介:古典音樂與近代西方思潮一起傳入台灣,從島嶼移民、日本殖民到現今發展。幾經流轉,它曾是知識份子在封閉社會時的慰藉,也是塑膠大亨的避風港。古典音樂在這個島嶼是一個不斷改寫的故事,透過音樂,我們窺見聲音的恆常,重溫經歷百年的感動。「跟許多歐洲人一樣,我對台灣了解不多。但當我浸潤在這個島嶼的歷史裡,尤其是台灣人對古典音樂的熱情,進而將古典音樂轉化為自己的一部分,卻讓我越來覺得興味盎然。」 - 英國導演 Mark Kidel台灣台南郊區的奇美博物館收藏了超過千把世界級的名琴,是目前世界上最重要的提琴收藏據點之一
简介:The doctors from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital spring into action to save the lives of two girls with a powerful story. Meanwhile, Meredith tries to cope with the fact that Amelia is now living with her and Jackson prepares for April's return back to