简介:György Fehér是匈牙利电影长镜头学派的另一位大师级导演,与杨索属同代人,可惜他的作品很少而且极难看到。。。If you like to see what movies are really about (i.e. moving)you should see szurkulet. This highly original and intense film is an exercise in style 'pur sang'. The story is loosely base
简介:改编自詹姆斯 M. 凯恩的《邮差总按两次铃》,是匈牙利导演György Fehér的代表作,155分钟不超过50个镜头,可以看成是BELA TARR的《伦敦来的人》之前匈牙利长镜头学派对此类题材的首次影像尝试。Hungarian Black & White version of "The Postman Always Rings Twice". A masterpiece. Excellent photography, performances, direction. Thi