简介:《Cinco vezes Favela》是巴西新电影时期最重要的一部集锦片,正如《海底的珍珠》于捷克新浪潮,或《联华交响曲》于三十年代的上海影坛一样。由五位新浪潮导演各自执导一部讲述发生在里约贫民区的短篇故事,其中既有成年人的彷徨,也有孩子们的清新,摄影和镜头语言沿袭前辈纳尔逊-佩雷拉-多斯桑托斯在《里约40度》里的新写实主义风格,音乐上采用当时流行的BOSSANOVA、SAMBA等怀旧曲风,是对60年代初里约大都市繁华与贫穷共存的社会景象的真实写照。Runtime: 92 minCountry: B
简介:A young model runs away from the set of a commercial spot she's filming, and enter the mansion of Araucaima, where its dwellers indulge in strange rites.Filled with symbolism, this metaphorical drama by Colombian director Carlos Mayolo is centered o
简介:Martin Gonzalez is a lower class boy who discovers the world of drug trafficking in the way to upward mobility fundamentally to win the love of Sophia, a good girl, a priori unattainable, which is his love since childhood. His boldness, unconsciousness an