简介:WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange battled extradition to the U.S., where he could've faced a lengthy sentence for publishing classified documents. His case, centered on press freedom, took unexpected twists as it unfolded.
简介:After the of premiere of his film Terrestrial Verses (co-directed by Alireza Khatami) in Cannes, Ali Asgari was banned from traveling by the Iranian authorities. But filmmakers like Asgari are not easily deterred from practicing their art, despite unceasi
简介:吉米(安迪·加西亚 Andy Garcia 饰)曾经在黑道中过着刀尖舔血的危险生活,当他厌倦了整日提心吊胆之后,他决定金盆洗手,如今,他经营着一家录像带租售的店铺,小日子过得相当不错,亦很安全。一天,吉米意外的遭人绑架,原来那是他曾经效忠过的老大(克里斯托弗·洛伊德 Christopher Lloyd 饰)想要见他。老大希望吉米能够帮助他去执行一项非常“简单”的任务,去小小的“吓一吓”自己儿子的前女友,以及这个女人的新欢,吉米无奈只能接下了这个活计。本以为这是很快便可以完成的任务,但渐渐地,吉米发现,事
简介:When a casino owning dog named Charlie is murdered by his rival Carface, he finds himself in Heaven basically by default since all dogs go to heaven. However, since he wants to get back at his killer, he cons his way back to the living with the warning th
简介:克雷格(艾斯·库珀 Ice Cube 饰)最近厄运连连,不仅丢掉了工作,生活亦陷入了窘境之中。父亲整日跟在他的屁股后头催他找工作,让克雷格烦不胜烦,他从家中躲了出去,找到朋友史麦格(克里斯·塔克 Chris Tucker 饰)散心。史麦格是个彻头彻尾的大烟鬼,在他的生命之中,毒品是最重要,且唯一的信仰。然而,正是史麦格对于毒品的沉迷让他遇上了大麻烦,他竟然没能控制住冲动,将毒贩大虫子(费松·拉夫 Faizon Love 饰)托付给他卖的价值两百美元的毒品给抽了个精光!这也就意味着,如果不能在限定时间内将