简介:Gay comedies are a hard genre to master with any subtlety; one side of the fence is occupied by movies made to mock gays for 'straight' amusement, and the other side is to mock straights for 'gay' amusement. Right off the top, I'l
简介:五十开外的狂野老妈竟然看上了和女儿同龄的小男生.诸如此类的荒唐举动数不胜数.给女儿带来了许多困惑……本片由若西亚娜•巴拉斯科和纳塔里•贝两位享誉法国影坛的巨星联袂出演,两人的演技在片中发挥得淋漓尽致。纳塔里•贝是法国著名女演员,1980年和1981年她连续获得法国电影恺撒奖最受欢迎女演员奖,并于1983年荣登恺撒奖最佳女演员奖。近年来她也屡有佳作问世,并于1999年凭借《Affair of love》摘得威尼斯电影节最佳女演员奖。艾迪和帕特利娅两个五十开外的女人曾一起参与了68年法国学生运动,并深受女
主演:詹妮薇芙·布卓 弗朗索瓦·布里昂 爱迪丝·斯考博 Frédéric Constant Yves Dangerfield Facundo Bo Marucha Bo
简介:Simon lives in an affluent intellectual environment, headed by his mother Alice. Raphael, his cousin, belongs to the poor branch of the family, but Simon adores him. So he decides to help him become a writer.